

A website is your digital storefront. It is open 24/7/365. Before visiting your location or buying your product, consumers check your website. They may want to find your location. They may want information about your product. Regardless, consumers visit your website. And when they do, this is your opportunity to tell your brand story. It is imperative your website has a positive impact at first glance. It doesn’t have to have a lot of bells and whistles. It must make a good first impression in appearance and functionality. It also must deliver a consistent brand story.

The first step in evaluating your online presence is to look at the performance of your current website. If there are aspects of your current site that perform well, we want to keep those intact.

Farmhouse designs and builds websites with conversion in mind. The end-game is to engage consumers. We want to compel them to call you, visit you and buy something. Customization is key to our website designs. Features of our websites include responsive design with an emphasis on mobile traffic. It also includes integration of all aspects pertinent for social media engagement. We use best practices for navigation, landing pages, content and search. If there is a current website, we migrate content to the new one.