
Let’s Talk Social Media!

Why is social media so important?

Social media is an essential piece of your business marketing strategy. Social platforms help you connect with your customers, increase awareness about your brand, and boost your leads and sales. With more than three billion people around the world using social media every month, it’s no passing trend.

There are so many benefits to social media…

Increase brand awareness

Establish your brand as a thought leader or go-to source for information

Stay top of mind

Increase website traffic

Generate leads

Boost sales

Partner with influencers

Promote content

Go viral

Reputation management

Crisis communication

Customer and audience engagement

Customer service and customer support

Monitor conversations that are relevant to your brand

Learn more about your customers

Keep an eye on the competition

Stay on top of industry news

Targeted advertising

Reporting and analytics

We believe in the two B’s


When it comes to Broadcast Why buy media?
You ARE the media!

All you have to do is make a First Impression and then make a whole bunch more.

How do we do it different?

First of all, we are a branding firm. We get to know and understand your brand so we can create a strategy around a dedicated and unique original voice. We are not an influencer or single individual provider that is pushing their singular voice or their thoughts though temporary tactics and cookie-cutter efforts.

We consider social media 24/7/365. We don’t simply create a content schedule, post and walk away. We monitor pages around the clock. We respond to comments and messages within minutes. We monitor partner and competitor pages for any edge or idea that can help build our reach and audience. Social media never sleeps, and we never sleep on social media. Something that happens at 10pm can be viral by 6am.

We deliver results. There is no reason to engage us if you don’t want something to happen. We build that audience and convert them to action. Whether it is selling brand, leads, products or service, we create the strategy and back it up monthly with data.

We are your partner in PR. We see this as an essential blend to your social media eort, and we are one of the few firms that can handle both. The story you tell on social media gets validated even further once it is in print. And keeping a consistent brand voice on social media that is active, will allow PR opportunities to blossom.

What is our process?


Learning your brand

Setting a strategy

Defining your audience

Determining your results

Creating a schedule

Designing content look and feel

Setting ad budget


Monitoring and responding

Analyzing and adjusting

Finding Success and Reporting

Building on that Success

Repeat, repeat, repeat

but does it work?

Of course it works! That is why every brand is constantly driving content through these platforms.


Facebook is where most people will search for information on your business, aside from google. This is where the focus is on keeping people informed on updates to your business and spreading brand awareness. We do this through targeted ads.

Facebook is where most people will ask questions, whether in the comments or in messages. It is important to respond in a timely and friendly manner.

Facebook is the most cost-effective way to spend an ad budget.


Instagram is where you show o your brand through aesthetically-pleasing imagery. This is where we share graphics and photos that are consistent with your brand messaging.

Instagram is where you can connect with your audience through comments, and engage with them by sharing their photos when they check in or tag your products.

On instagram, you grow your audience by responding to comments, following people in your community, and commenting on relevant content as your business.

We also grow our audience with industry and community-specific hashtags to help reach people who would be interested in our products or services.


Twitter is a real-time feed of updates, and is best used for a business that has events, press, or timely content.

You grow and engage your audience on twitter by keeping your followers up to date with fresh, relevant, and catchy content that will not get lost in the minutia of a regular feed.


Have a B2B business? LinkedIn is a must-have to engage your prospects in the business world.

Keeping your feed updated and relevant helps grow your audience on LinkedIn. If applicable, we will supplement PR with an updated LinkedIn feed to keep your followers in the professional world up to date.

So you know it works, but…what is your actual return?

let’s talk roi

Let’s say you know you want to do social media, but you also want to consider other ad spends.

Don’t. Start here. With us.

Here is why….

For the SAME budget you would spend with us to build your social media presence, what would you get in…


You could get ONE of these

One billboard placement

A full-page ad in a local magazine

7 local TV spots on one channel

22 local radio spots on one channel

For the SAME budget you would spend with us to build your social media presence, what would you get in…


18,000 impressions on average

That is for impressions on one news source URL Engagement and CTR undefined and undetermined

So what do you get with us?

Here are some real world results

Monthly Results from a Sampling of Current Campaigns

B2B Manufacturer

36,000 reach
8500 engagements

Local Restaurant

34,000 reach
5500 engagements

B2C Professional Services

14,000 reach
3500 engagements

E-Commerce Business

18,000 reach
4500 engagements

For your investment with Farmhouse, we would
anticipate these numbers….

20,000 impressions
4000 engagements

Plus the opportunity to sell, push, defend and protect your brand EVERYDAY. You can ADVERTISE and BRAND BUILD for one fixed monthly cost.

And the more you do it, the better the numbers get.
We build an audience so your money goes further.
This is why social media is such a big part of every
ELSE, they buy into social media.

So Let Us Know What
You Think!