by Farmhouse Branding | Feb 10, 2023
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by Farmhouse Branding | Nov 9, 2021
← back next → Zenith Health and Aesthetics Zenith is a health and aesthetics clinic that specializes in vscular health and cosmetic services, located in Memphis, Tennessee. h the brief Zenith needed a brand to reflect their mission to provide their services...
by Farmhouse Branding | Nov 9, 2021
← back next → Railgarten Railgarten is an event venue in Midtown Memphis that has it all – live music, playgrounds, mulitple bars, and fun to be had year round. Farmhouse manages a social media and PR campaign, event management, and build/maintains...
by Farmhouse Branding | Jan 3, 2020
← back next → catfish blues Catfish Blues is a farm-raised catfish restaurant in Hernando, MS. h the brief “Catfish Blues” is a song by Muddy Waters. So the intent of the restaurant is to blend the culture of the Blues in Mississippi with the culture of...
by Farmhouse Branding | Jan 3, 2020
← back next → curb market The Curb Market is a locally sourced meats and produce market in Midtown Memphis. h the brief The client needed branding to launch their business and tell their brand story so on launch, the market would have a strong understanding...