social media is a crucial aspect of marketing for any business and an extremely effective way to engage with your clients. The game has changed drastically the past two years, and Farmhouse has dubbed today’s essentials for social media The Three C’s. 


Compelling photos and copy used to be the focus of social media marketing. Where once simply posting and walking away was enough to reach clients and see conversion, today we realize this is simply laying the groundwork for an effective social media marketing campaign. Visuals and words merely create the foundation of content necessary for the implementation of the next two C’s.


Develop the appropriate voice and people will be keen to hear what your client has to say. Content must be engaging, current and client centric, showing their followers and customers that there is a real – and local – person behind their phone or computer screen. The social media audience is savvy and can tell when posts are scheduled days or weeks in advance and left alone. Although scheduling posts is an effective means of time management, if left on autopilot the message could lack relevancy, seem incongruous or, worse, appear insensitive if a shift occurs in the real world. You can’t have a “set and forget” attitude toward posting, which leads to C #3 …  


 Along with quality and timely content, customers want to be recognized by your brand. They want you to like their check-ins, repost their photos and respond to their comments, all instantly. Delays in interaction with followers accomplishes nothing, as people have short attention spans, myriad distractions and their choice of platforms on which to seek out acknowledgement. Be the brand that gives them the validation they desire and they will come back for more. 

No small business has the time to devote to both their customers in the storefront as well as the customers on social media. At Farmhouse, we deliver this relationship to your followers by curating fresh and engaging content and cultivating relationships with followers. We also coordinate with ownership to develop events, specials and promotions that will get your audience excited and in the door.