Oops… We did it again! Farmhouse wins another National Addy.

Oops… We did it again! Farmhouse wins another National Addy.

The American Advertising Awards is the advertising industry's largest and most representative competition, attracting more than 40,000 entries every year from local ad club competitions. The mission of the American Advertising Awards competition is to recognize and...

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Marketing vs. PR

Marketing vs. PR

HEADLINE: Dog Bites Man. *Yawn.*   HEADLINE: Man Bites Dog. *OK, you’ve got my attention. Keep talking.   HEADLINE: Quick-thinking Restaurant Owner Saves Man From Choking To Death During Contest SUBHED: Performed Heimlich Maneuver on Man Who Bit (Hot)Dog...

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Right on Cue – Indie Memphis 2017

Right on Cue – Indie Memphis 2017

when Ryan Watt, the Executive Director at Indie Memphis, reached out to us to put together the creative for their 2017 film festival, we knew immediately it was right in our wheelhouse. A consumer facing multimedia campaign with loads of opportunity to flex our...

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The Story Behind the Design: Mighty Miss Brewing Co.

The Story Behind the Design: Mighty Miss Brewing Co.

A swath of rich earth between the Mississippi and Yazoo rivers, the Mississippi Delta is a character all its own in the story of the Deep South. The region is rich in history, and the old port town of Greenville in its heyday was considered the center of Delta...

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Good, Fast, or Cheap. Pick two.

Good, Fast, or Cheap. Pick two.

the principles of Good, Fast or Cheap: Pick Two are simple, well-known, and sometimes used cynically to describe the delivery of services or a project. But there can be merit in the practice of applying it to your business to get a snapshot of how your business...

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What the Hell is Wrong with my Peanuts?

What the Hell is Wrong with my Peanuts?

i was about 18 years old and traveling through Mississippi when I witnessed a scene at a convenience store that years later would resonate in my professional life in a profound way. That day, as I watched an old man putting his roasted peanuts on a display for sale...

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Fear and Loathing in Small Business

Fear and Loathing in Small Business

There is a moment when I am in a meeting with a business owner, as I am discussing their brand, or their promise, or their differentiators that I might think to myself… "Are they ready to bring it?”  Because here’s the deal. All of my know-how, experience, skills,...

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A Logo’s Hidden Meaning: Catfish Blues

A Logo’s Hidden Meaning: Catfish Blues

catfish Blues is a restaurant located in Hernando, Mississippi, and we had the pleasure of telling the unique story of this place from the ground up. The name of the establishment comes from the original North Mississippi blues song written by Robert Petway. With...

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A Logo’s Hidden Meaning: Oshi Burger

A Logo’s Hidden Meaning: Oshi Burger

when our client approached us with an idea for a burger bar, he knew that the restaurant's story would be an "East meets West" concept. The challenge, then, was to have these influences create a cohesive brand, as opposed to a culture clash, as well as a smart...

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InADequacy: Paul Stanley Folgers Coffee Commercial

InADequacy: Paul Stanley Folgers Coffee Commercial

We can't necessarily call an ad like this "bad," because honestly, it's doing its job. We are talking about it. But the attention an ad like this gets, is for all the wrong reasons, and I am sure the agency that created it knew this wasn't their best effort. KISS...

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Farmhouse Moves on to AAF Nationals

Farmhouse Moves on to AAF Nationals

The American Advertising Federation hosted the District 7 Awards in Jackson, Mississippi this past weekend. Farmhouse brought home three golds and two silvers, and will be moving on to the National competition. The Indie Memphis Film Festival Campaign was the...

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The Power of Email Marketing

The Power of Email Marketing

If you’re reading this blog post, take a moment to consider how you got here. Did you find it organically - you were on Farmhouse’s website and decided to check out the blog -  or were you led to it from somewhere else? Chances are you were pointed here from social...

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Brand Recognition and Popularity

Brand Recognition and Popularity

Every year The Commercial Appeal and Memphis Flyer conduct this huge marketing and advertising campaign under the guise of a reader poll, in which folks vote on their favorite consumer services in the Memphis area. From Best Fine Dining to Best Nail Salon, from Best...

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You Are Only As Good As Your Last Project

You Are Only As Good As Your Last Project

iI was interviewed recently by a panel of judges weighing the merits of local entrepreneurs selected as finalists for their achievements in Memphis' small business community. Eventually they asked the obligatory "What is the biggest obstacle facing your company?"...

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Tamp and Tap is a coffee and beer house that opened in Downtown Memphis in 2013. Farmhouse was approached by the owners early on in the planning stages. They had a space and a name, but nothing else. They were set to home in four months time. Every new business has...

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The Story Behind The Brand: The Bluff

The Story Behind The Brand: The Bluff

building a brand around a single word was the task at hand when our clients brought their concept for The Bluff to Farmhouse. Executing a vision is what we do, so the odds were in their favor and the resulting brand story has been a royal flush. In a city where the...

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AAF Addy Awards 2017

AAF Addy Awards 2017

Here is what the Memphis Daily News had to say about this year's ADDY Awards...  Kelly Cooper, an independent creative director based in Tampa, was “blown away,” in her words, by the work from Memphis’ creative community that was honored as part of the Memphis chapter...

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Do Awards Matter?

Do Awards Matter?

please, pardon the cliche and forgive our momentary lack of humility, because we here at Farmhouse truly have something to 'crow' about! *rimshot* Our small firm recently came away from the American Advertising Awards competition in California with a haul of Gold and...

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A Rose Is a Rose Is a Rose…

A Rose Is a Rose Is a Rose…

Ever wonder how some of the most familiar products and brands got their names? There are folks who are paid a lot of money to brainstorm and deliver clever and catchy slogans, logos and jingles. Maybe some seem kind of random, but there is (almost) always a method to...

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The Importance of Social Media Presence

The Importance of Social Media Presence

For some folks, not having a presence on social media seems to be a point of pride. If you fancy yourself as "living off the grid" - not in the true sense, since you love your Keurig and BBC America, but in the "I don't take my iPhone to the toilet and I also don't...

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Phil and The Infinite Monkey Theorem

Phil and The Infinite Monkey Theorem

perhaps you’ve heard a story about a couple who, on the recommendation of their cousin’s brother-in-law’s sister, decided to save a few bucks on wedding photography and instead of hiring a pro went with their friend’s brother’s nephew Phil, who by all accounts -- and...

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What’s in a Name? Branding in a .com World

What’s in a Name? Branding in a .com World

you’ve dreamed for years of hanging your shingle and have probably envisioned your name on said shingle. You must, however, think beyond the shingle to your digital presence and all that entails. Your business’s name is personal, reflecting not just the product or...

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Content Marketing and Journalists: Peas in a Pod

Content Marketing and Journalists: Peas in a Pod

The latest round of layoffs at your local newspaper unleashed a pool of talent that Memphis-area marketing and public relations firms - or any business looking to grow its presence online, for that matter - would be wise to exploit. Why? Because journalists make...

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If you are more clever than good looking, avoid loud bars.

If you are more clever than good looking, avoid loud bars.

every business has one important quality that makes people buy their product or service. For business owners looking to increase success, I suggest we step back and identify their most redeeming quality. Then, we steer messaging to that. Let's take restaurants for...

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farmhouse was approached by Elkington Real Estate Group to rebrand their company. Elkington Real Estate Group is a longstanding Memphis-based commercial real estate firm that has been involved in redeveloping many downtown locations and entertainment districts, such...

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The 3 C’s of Social Media

The 3 C’s of Social Media

social media is a crucial aspect of marketing for any business and an extremely effective way to engage with your clients. The game has changed drastically the past two years, and Farmhouse has dubbed today's essentials for social media The Three C’s.  CONTENT...

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Memphis Business Journal Top 40 Under 40: Ben Fant

Memphis Business Journal Top 40 Under 40: Ben Fant

On Friday, Farmhouse principal and creative director Ben Fant was honored by the Memphis Business Journal as being one of Memphis’ Top 40 Under 40. The award "recognizes the area’s young movers and shakers who have made significant contributions to the Memphis and...

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A Logo’s Hidden Meaning: Agave Maria

A Logo’s Hidden Meaning: Agave Maria

working with clients in the food service industry often means taking a leap of faith. If you are building a restaurant from the ground up, giving their concept an identity and telling their story visually and viscerally through the branding are key to attracting and...

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Youth Culture IS Culture

Youth Culture IS Culture

in Matt Britton's newest book, Youth Nation, he declares that the youth culture IS culture. He explains that never in modern history have the processes, demands and wishes of the youngest generation had such a profound effect on how the older generations do things. He...

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